A trip to the Kootenai River valley offers a variety of fly fishing choices. Whether you will be spending the day with one of our guides
or venturing off to explore on your own rest assured that you will find many different types of water to choose from.
Winding it's way through the Northwest corner of Montana there are more than 70 miles of trout filled waters below Libby dam.
With a huge watershed and reservoir the Kootenai does not suffer from the restrictions caused by drought and heat.
Guests staying at the Lodge and Cabins also have private access to more than 2 miles of Lake Creek,
the lower Kootenai's finest tributary.
Fly fishing with us on the Kootenai and small streams you will spend the day with expert guides that have spent many years on this water.
Redband Rainbow, Westslope Cutthroat and Brown Trout are our primary targets in these rivers.
A typical day guided fly fishing is at least 8 hours covering 6 to 10 miles of river or stream. We fish the Kootenai and small streams
from drift boats to give us access to those places that would other wise be inaccessible on foot. We also stop as needed to get
out and fish the back channels, islands,
gravel bars and such. We won't keep you confined to the boat all day.
The season here starts late March / April for pre run off on the Kootenai. Then moves to small streams while the Koot blows out.
July finds us covering all the bases and we typically have great fishing through October.
Full day trips include Jeanie's famous homemade sandwiches, salad, dessert and non alcoholic beverages. Just bring your gear and licenses.
Full day guided fly fishing ~ 8 to 9 hours ~ 1 guide / 1 or 2 ppl ~ $625
Half day guided fly fishing ~ 4 to 5 hours ~ 1 guide / 1 or 2 ppl ~ $465
Call Us to Book ~ ~ 406-295-9444
~ Hatch Chart Here
~ Buy Montana Fishing Licenses Here ~
Spring time is about upon us folks. We had a great show circuit this year. It was good to get out and see old friends and make a few new.
Snowpack is about average with more moisture moving in for March. April will bring our first primary hatches of the season.
Look for Little Black Stones at the tributary mouths plus Tan Caddis and a few Big Stones.
Pre Run Off can be real good. Watch for a few days of warm window openings in April and give us a call to get out on the water.
Pre season rates til Memorial day. Time to fish!